Identity. That is the plain and simple truth. A name to anything identifies it. Names are very important in our society; they were one hundred years ago and they still are important today. Parents spend sometimes months pondering names for their children while they wait for them to arrive and sometimes they still don't have a name when the child is born.
We have a primary identity from our name that which people call us but we also have other identities, other words that explain who we are and sometimes give more information than a name can. Some for me are: woman, catholic, feminist, liberal, human, singer and dancer. Those are lumped together but really I see myself as two things, as Amanda and as a feminist.
When I say I am a Christian Feminist, the main word is feminist. It is something that will always be involved in every part of my life. I am a feminist who believes in a god and chooses the Christian Catholic faith to play that belief out. I am a feminist who chooses to be liberal in my thoughts and actions. I am a feminist who is human and vulnerable to things like free will. I am a feminist who is a woman. I am a feminist who expresses emotions through singing and dancing. I am always first a feminist. Who are you?
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